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  1. John Carmack on Functional Programming in C++ (11 replies)
  2. Fun with converting old TI-99/4A BASIC to C# (5 replies)
  3. Batch file help .... (0 replies)
  4. Scilab? (0 replies)
  5. android? (2 replies)
  6. The making of Metagun (0 replies)
  7. C vs. C++ (36 replies)
  8. CSS Stylesheet problems (29 replies)
  9. Programmer Demo Reel (5 replies)
  10. Using PHP in a website? (n00b zone) (1 replies)
  11. 3DR Toolbar (12 replies)
  12. Radiosity Normal Map (1 replies)
  13. Language for a beginner (54 replies)
  14. Using KeyboardInterrupt with Sockets (3 replies)
  15. Is it a smart move to program a website in Ajax? (5 replies)
  16. DirectX vs OpenGL (9 replies)
  17. SDLRogue Source code release (0 replies)
  18. Need Help with Web Form (URGENT) (20 replies)
  19. Silverlight - Is it worth it? (1 replies)
  20. CSS Help: Footers (3 replies)
  21. Camera bug in XNA (1 replies)
  22. W3C Validation Errors (5 replies)
  23. Including C functions in Assembly (1 replies)
  24. Raptor call of the shadows sprites (2 replies)
  25. What size of a background picture for website? (7 replies)
  26. 3Ds Max vs Maya (18 replies)
  27. Flash Slideshow for new website (8 replies)
  28. How would I make something like this in C (4 replies)
  29. RayFaster 2, my new Flash-based 3D engine :-) (40 replies)
  30. C/C++ Tutorials or Books (49 replies)
  31. Is DarkBASIC pro great (18 replies)
  32. I'm new at this, please be kind... (2 replies)
  33. Looking for a map website (0 replies)
  34. Reccomendations for help... (6 replies)
  35. Thanks for all the help. (0 replies)
  36. Windows Server 2008 ReadyBoost... (4 replies)
  37. 3D canvas test/benchmark for browsers (2 replies)
  38. My portfolio - Darklight 2 Engine. (17 replies)
  39. Runtime Engine (and other stuff) DevBlog (4 replies)
  40. DirectX Video to Surface (4 replies)
  41. is 'nofollow' recursive? (1 replies)
  42. Possible to convert/combine two separate digit char variables into one int variable? (17 replies)
  43. Custom DOS Menu Program - External Config File? (8 replies)
  44. Clipmapping and TGA tiling into a bigger texture. (6 replies)
  45. Anyone know what this JavaScript means? (7 replies)
  46. Any way to scan a site for spyware/malware? (12 replies)
  47. What do you use for webpage design? (25 replies)
  48. 3dsmax 2009 MD3 Exporter (5 replies)
  49. Please help by checking the speed of my blog (14 replies)
  50. How do I call AfxWinMain in a seperate thread... (1 replies)
  51. Compiling exportmd3 for Max 2009 - Getting there, but need tons of help... (3 replies)
  52. Where to find code programs? (5 replies)
  53. Quake 3 ported to C++ with Radiant built in. (32 replies)
  54. bee-digital - my web development blog (0 replies)
  55. Css hel(l/p)! (8 replies)
  56. My new blog - DeepInConcept (7 replies)
  57. MOD player in Flash with full source code :-) (2 replies)
  58. Duke3D XBLA Leaderboards Feed? (28 replies)
  59. Been playing with XNA (8 replies)
  60. I'm writing a program for IPhone (4 replies)
  61. Annual Drunken Coders Christmas Hombrew Compo (3 replies)
  62. C++: Strange crash with 2D Array (7 replies)
  63. The still unanswered IEMB3 browser! (4 replies)
  64. Canitrex For Windows - New Block Puzzler (0 replies)
  65. File reading failure in a C program (6 replies)
  66. 3D Raycasting in Flash9 (21 replies)
  67. Programming Logic and Design help (4 replies)
  68. PHP Bitwise Woes (5 replies)
  69. Dell branded IE (8 replies)
  70. collapsable definition lists (0 replies)
  71. IE7 Page Break issue (2 replies)
  72. Super Mario Brothers as MOD audio (4 replies)
  73. Arrow Engine (28 replies)
  74. Best CMS(Content Management System) (15 replies)
  75. Outlook html forms borken! (1 replies)
  76. Canitrex - An ASCII Tetris Clone (7 replies)
  77. Javascript Countdown (3 replies)
  78. Problem install phpnuke (8 replies)
  79. Quake running in Flash from C code! (5 replies)
  80. Google to pull AdSense (2 replies)
  81. Scrollbars in Firefox (3 replies)
  82. Best CSS Book Out There? (2 replies)
  83. Going onto python from C++ (5 replies)
  84. Old Unfinished game i Coded. (4 replies)
  85. Problem coding mario bros game. (11 replies)
  86. DJGPP vs. Turbo C (14 replies)
  87. A Barrage Of My Games!!! (12 replies)
  88. Link targets in html (19 replies)
  89. Learning .Net (13 replies)
  90. C# Form Access Question (1 replies)
  91. Simple question on reading a string (C++) (7 replies)
  92. String Problems in C (29 replies)
  93. PHP based Project Managers (3 replies)
  94. System call for C? (3 replies)
  95. DOS, Turbo C, and Text Colors (15 replies)
  96. eCommerce (5 replies)
  97. PHP Help Please (2 replies)
  98. Javascript - Arrays in Classes (0 replies)
  99. Need advice on OpenGL book (15 replies)
  100. Question about MVC Java (6 replies)
  101. How do I design an Aero-style interface within an app? (0 replies)
  102. CSS and IE (7 replies)
  103. News freeware web software? (12 replies)
  104. C++ Builder 6 ASM question (12 replies)
  105. Text editors and regex (10 replies)
  106. Xna (8 replies)
  107. Customizable Opensource Forum/CMS in .NET (1 replies)
  108. PHP - About this image parser (7 replies)
  109. cc cl or gcc (15 replies)
  110. Flash Animation (7 replies)
  111. League of Gamers - Our New Review Site! (34 replies)
  112. Projects (16 replies)
  113. Javascript help. (4 replies)
  114. Builder C++ stored procedure (6 replies)
  115. Need help in html (5 replies)
  116. need help with JavaScript! (4 replies)
  117. Please help me with my homework? (3 replies)
  118. IT Job\Resumes\CV's (13 replies)
  119. ASP question (2 replies)
  120. Adobe AIR (9 replies)
  121. Trying to write a three-phase CPU counting time test. (15 replies)
  122. Critique My Website (12 replies)
  123. Recursion Question (11 replies)
  124. Change background color of selected text (1 replies)
  125. Question on learning C++ (41 replies)
  126. Dev-C++ and Vista, compilation and build problems? (2 replies)
  127. Delphi, good or bad language? (13 replies)
  128. Silly Apache (5 replies)
  129. anyone has used C++ Builder and Jpeglib? (3 replies)
  130. Who else thinks .Net is a pain in the butt? (32 replies)
  131. Blog site issue (4 replies)
  132. RemArc - a Boo/.NET project (3 replies)
  133. Failure notification got here...4 months later!!! (7 replies)
  134. Bbc - Rss (12 replies)
  135. Terrain rendering (0 replies)
  136. LOLCODE debuts (34 replies)
  137. Visual Studio 6.0 Pro and Vista... (1 replies)
  138. Count individual tag occurrences (5 replies)
  139. CSS, Flash Header question (2 replies)
  140. So, I did some graphical programming (19 replies)
  141. DarkBASIC Pro vs. Blitz 3D, which would do better? (29 replies)
  142. vb editor (10 replies)
  143. Math help (22 replies)
  144. Some Java coding (7 replies)
  145. OpenGL question (3 replies)
  146. My Imagemap is failing! D: (3 replies)
  147. JavaScript regexes question (1 replies)
  148. OpenGL32.dll versions (1 replies)
  149. Need help with image selector (2 replies)
  150. MYSQL\SQL Question (11 replies)
  151. PHP autmoatically stripping HTML (10 replies)
  152. Ruby on Rails - Mysql error. (4 replies)
  153. Quick PHP5 question - Object self-destruct (8 replies)
  154. Java inverse matrix? (4 replies)
  155. Cipher hill key creation? (0 replies)
  156. Java Problem (8 replies)
  157. CSS div line breaks & float: left; (33 replies)
  158. Data type in MySQL question (4 replies)
  159. Microsoft Enterprise Application Blocks... (2 replies)
  160. find a bug (11 replies)
  161. Wii Browser (2 replies)
  162. Forum Software? (34 replies)
  163. C# Hashtables to Serialized strings. (4 replies)
  164. Visuals in C++ (3 replies)
  165. Using LUA to make a game (14 replies)
  166. HTML forms - radio button, and CSS (3 replies)
  167. Questions about C/C++ (48 replies)
  168. Need some guide Rc's and dll's for strings (2 replies)
  169. Append XML with XML DOM (0 replies)
  170. Flash - combobox to play sound (3 replies)
  171. Inject XML into iframe along with styling (1 replies)
  172. Looking for free PHP/HTML/etc IDE (8 replies)
  173. Weird PHP issue (12 replies)
  174. vBox PM Reader (0 replies)
  175. Reset focus to hyperlink on XUL dialog (1 replies)
  176. Who uses Blitz3D? Would you do me a favor? (10 replies)
  177. My PHP quiz (22 replies)
  178. HTML help (6 replies)
  179. Dropdownmenu content alters based on another one (1 replies)
  180. Convert XML to RDF (0 replies)
  181. Java String Splitting (3 replies)
  182. Drop down menu with C++/OpenGL (7 replies)
  183. forum spam... (44 replies)
  184. DXIntercept (22 replies)
  185. Matching table column heights (8 replies)
  186. 3-Column layout with % widths (19 replies)
  187. Name for my project (5 replies)
  188. c++ template problem (2 replies)
  189. Sun makes Java open source under the GPL (23 replies)
  190. IT exam preps ? (1 replies)
  191. about to start java (11 replies)
  192. X86 and uCOS_II issue (0 replies)
  193. Wikimedia alternative because host does not suppor php4.0 (1 replies)
  194. AdSense Questions (18 replies)
  195. Podcast Flash Player - My newest Flash piece. (16 replies)
  196. Specific message with no results after SQL-query - how? (12 replies)
  197. Shellscript problem with XPI file (2 replies)
  198. text/javascript or application/x-javascript (6 replies)
  199. ti 84 basic (14 replies)
  200. Confusing server issue (5 replies)
  201. Making a game: Music problems!! (1 replies)
  202. Regedit: Modifying a Default entry with command-line batch (1 replies)
  203. Programmers out there? (7 replies)
  204. Beginning VC++ (5 replies)
  205. Game Programming Classes (41 replies)
  206. Real Time RayTraced Shadows (25 replies)
  207. Need Forum Help (6 replies)
  208. Load HTML straight into an existing <iframe> (5 replies)
  209. error PRJ0019 at compiling doom3 sdk (2 replies)
  210. xPMvb extension for Firefox - a WIP (17 replies)
  211. Transparent Proxy Issues (1 replies)
  212. dancing xb360 pads (1 replies)
  213. XP Batch File: copy a file to multiple directories in a loop (6 replies)
  214. What is faster: ? or If (C) (4 replies)
  215. Is this a good uni course for games programming? (8 replies)
  216. PHP: Changing the login expiry in PHP sessions on a per-login basis (3 replies)
  217. Blogger posting? (2 replies)
  218. Urgent help needed by Linux gurus.... (16 replies)
  219. Delphi: Use fields from same record to login (0 replies)
  220. Strange occurences when generating dungeons (13 replies)
  221. I've now got local weather for my website (10 replies)
  222. Delphi: Enable another field, if field contains x number of characters (3 replies)
  223. Web security: javascript exploit discovered (3 replies)
  224. How to turn coodinates into angles (7 replies)
  225. C++ Class Question (7 replies)
  226. Help with annoying bug in Internet Explorer (4 replies)
  227. Jackson's Structure Diagram Question (2 replies)
  228. Simple problem in Turing...I know... (3 replies)
  229. Sotware Engineer vs. Software Architect (22 replies)
  230. How much maths does game programming require? (51 replies)
  231. PayPal donation script (1 replies)
  232. Making first webpage. Need help! (8 replies)
  233. MySQL Question (7 replies)
  234. Your thoughts please. (10 replies)
  235. Regular Expression woes (4 replies)
  236. JSP and mysql (1 replies)
  237. VB.Net - Displaying pages of data (1 replies)
  238. DX9 ROQ and 8bit Textures. (4 replies)
  239. Looking for the glaux.h (2 replies)
  240. Torque Game Builder (7 replies)
  241. A very newbie VB.net 2005 question (5 replies)
  242. I Dunno How To Do This (6 replies)
  243. Good linker (4 replies)
  244. Virtools Dev 3.5 (2 replies)
  245. MIPS programming (1 replies)
  246. PHP operators and database connection question (1 replies)
  247. Samji's Website (18 replies)
  248. Googlebot and my website. (5 replies)
  249. 286 Protected mode (8 replies)
  250. Using natural selection to fix bugs and security holes? (13 replies)