Hey maddieman!
I remember back in the day of katana release you posted a flash animation that kinda had same story as your katana mod. In the movie its a guy with a leather jacket and long spiky white hair, who fights alot of agents in the subway, with fists and a katana. I cant remember what the name on the flash animation was.
Can you help me out?
Im gonna use it for recreating it in mp2. so i wanna see it again. but i cant seem to find it. and not knowing the name doesnt help:/
Thanks in advance,
I probably need a screenshot of the rocket launcher to see exactly what you mean, but I think what you want to do is 'shrink' the bone that holds the rocket so that it becomes hidden (scale it down to 0), then replace it with the rocket projectile (using p_createprojectile..). It would be much easier if the rocket part wasn't visible on the weapon in the first place, though.
Well, I think maybe I didn't explain it correctly. What I mean is that the projectile would have the rocket mesh yes, but before the firing when the missle is attach to the wepaon itself, how to get the apparence that when fired it flys off
Make the 'rocket' a seperate projectile, not part of the weapon mesh- like the M79, and, well, just about every other weapon in the game.
When you export the projectile from 3dsmax, make sure that the projectile has an animation (you don't need to actually animate it, just make sure there's about 20-50 frames). Then export the animation along with the mesh, and make sure it's looping - these options should appear as checkboxes when you go to export as kf2 from 3dsmax.
Hey Maddie man, I have a real thummper here. I have a RPG in my demo reel but trying to figure out how to have the rocket appear to detach when fire. First I tried to have it as part of the weapon mesh and when you fire, the rockect which is set to a diffrent joint moves all the way down and the rest is up to the projectile for the gun, but with this I get the typical error of the Enemy_Striker projectile animation no frames error even though witht the player its keyframed? Any ideas how to get this effect? I am using MP2